Monday, December 20, 2010

oops! Missed the Sunday post. Sorry!

It was a simple space-out. I forgot it was Sunday!

Now that will REALLY get some folks a-prayin' fer us! *grin* *love-wink*

Bill is okay, but having some strange issues.

TOMORROW, Dec. 21, we go see Dr. Shen, and I will make sure I tell him all these things Bill is struggling with, because Bill won't tell him. (D-e-n-i-a-l.)

I almost wasn't going to go tomorrow, since it's such a simple checkup, but then I remembered! My naughty cowboy will say everything is fine, and that would be a liddle biddy ****cowboy fib****.

So I have to go and act like a stage mother. The doctors always look like they sorta wish I weren't there, because I have allllllllll the symptoms on a list, and they have to hear them allllllll, and I have allllllllllll the questions I've built up by googling. I just know they are rolling their eyes when they see me coming.

But I'm nice about it--humble even! Bill? Tell them! I'm not pushy, rude, or weird. I just can't let things go by, but I say it nicely, very respectfully and politely, right Bill? Tell them I do!

[Here's Bill's voice, fake-overdubbed onto this blog's sound track: "Beth is very appropriate when she speaks to medical professionals." See? I told you! (Well, yeah, I wrote that, but you have to admit: It really sounded like him, didn't it?)]

Anyway, here are his symptoms:

1. His incision is KILLING him! He has really serious pain at the top of his incision.

2. He has unexplained cramping pains all around his abdomen, that strike him all day, even when he is doing nothing. They're BAD! He says, "OWWWWWWW!" out of nowhere, and scares me to death.

3. He is really, really, really exhausted by the slightest things. And that seems to be getting slightly worse, instead of better. You'd think, oh, it's the surgery, but he did improve at first; but now he is anti-improving.

4. He has something else wrong which he refuses under penalty of law to tell me about, and even says that I will have to step out of the room when he tells the doctor (OMG), and FURTHERMORE, he tells me to S-T-O-P A-S-K-I-N-G H-I-M W-H-A-T I-T I-S.

Ohhhhh, well THAT makes me feel better! NOWWWWWWWWW I'm not worried!


So, tomorrow afternoon (we should be home by, I'm guessing, god-willin-and-the-creek-and-the-ice-sleet-snow-storm-drizzle-rain-don't-rise, about 3 pm), so I will post to you and tell you how it went with Dr. Shen.

Till then, I'm hiding in my Arctic tent, which is, by the way, still set up in front of the fireplace and, when I'm not working, this is my favorite place to sit. I'm typing this blog from inside it right now! It's warm in here,'s my own little fort.

Love to you. Seriously, love. And MERRY HOLIDAYS, but I'll post before then.


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