If there were a book about my cowboy Billybob, this would be the book. (Unfortunately, this particular edition costs ten thousand dollars right now, so we don't have one, and we suggest that you check your basement in case YOU do. But I digress.)
That brave boy went off to teach college just now! He's in pain, nauseated, fatigued, and rather ash-colored, but couldn't be talked out of his plan.
Off he went, lugging 67 essay exams that he'd graded and heavily annotated over the last few days, despite feeling like something you'd scrape off your shoe!
(I meant MUD. Not something taboo, you silly.)
He's just a luminous man (he likes that word, luminous), and the more you know him, the more you think so. (And the more you start saying things like "luminous.")
But there are a lot of luminous people out there, and some are very sick right now, and whether they're our friends or your friends or somebody else's friends, you or we or all of us together love them and worry for them.
So whether you pray or think or hope or just let yer luvlight shine, however you do it, throw in an extra dose for everybody's friends everywhere, who need extra love today.
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