It makes me tired just to think about it!
Fortunately, he is still feeling better, at least a little bit. He still has trouble with nausea and what he calls "metal mouth"--but his color is much better, and yesterday he even walked a mile (a mile!) downhill, slowly, through shady woods, on a trail near the Cone Estate Lake. With me and two of our pups (the Boston Terrier and the miniature black poodle BabyJack).
This is the actual trail we were on, but it's not really us. We probably looked sorta like this, though, with poor ole Bill bringin' up the rear, and at least one naughty dog pulling on its leash, breaking all of Cesar Milan's foundational rules. Maybe I should have attached that dog to Bill and it could've helped his speed a little.
Love to all. More soon! B&B
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