Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Bad Blogstress Still Reigns

Maintaining my well-deserved title of "Bad Blogstress" I hereby write my paltry update on Young William, only 3 days late!

Hmmmm. Well, in SOME ways, he is better, but he is having some weird side problems.

Our next appointment is tomorrow, Wednesday, July 26th, with the Boone Oncologist and then, soon after, but no date set at this point, we go to Wake Forest for The Scan. Which we dread, of course, but face with optimism!

His new issues are REALLY new. He is having a big itching problem, all over his body, worst on his feet, legs, arms, and face. It's even keeping him awake at night. And he takes Benadryl already, so there is some antihistamine working, but still he itches.

He is also still having REALLY bad acid reflux feelings in his esophagus, and occasional strong pain in the center of his breastbone. Not his heart, but lower. That one really kind of upsets him.

But then again, any of you who've had experience with cancer in yourself or a loved one, know that once you've had cancer, everything is scary! Every little thing, you wonder. Especially if you're me! The hypochondriac of the universe! And now my hypochondria can work by proxy on the cowboy! If he says, oh, I have a paper cut, first I FEEL a paper cut on myself, and then I'm GOOGLING for hidden dangers! hahah

I know better; yes I do.

So I'll write again (don't listen to promises of bad blogstresses!) after tomorrow, to tell you what the Onco says, and then I'll TRY to remember to post next Sunday, just a weekly update.

Thank you for keepin' on caring allllllllllll this time!


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