Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Duke University till Sept. 15??? Yikes!

Today we got the call that the earliest we can be seen at Duke University is Tuesday, Sept. 15 in the afternoon. That seems like a long time from now, if the tumor is as bad as the Urologist thought.

So our plan now is to wait another day until the radiologist gives a full report on the CT scan findings, and if the tumor is really the vicious kind we suspect, then we are going to call the Duke guy's office until we get in on a cancellation. I ain't waitin around for two weeks for the shoe to drop!

Our kids are all flying/driving in to be with us this weekend for a last hurrah to celebrate the old days of health and to be together one good time before whatever we are facing next. Bill is delighted and feels great.

It's a huge blessing that his only pain is a little twinge in his abdomen. It could be SO much worse!

S.C. came by this morning to tell us how to face this all with faith. He has had 22 operations for cancer, including brain cancer, and is now completely healed. It was as exciting around here as an old timey tent revival. Even the puppies were jumping all over the place. ;)

The craziest stuff happens when the craziest stuff happens.


1 comment:

  1. Tim and I found out the hardest part is the waiting game. They tell you how bad your situation my be and then you have to wait & wait & wait. It is not right! A doctor friend of ours told us to be aggressive so your file does not find it's way to the bottom of the pile on Dr. desk. Keep calling, get your reports, have a binder with all Bill's test and reports CT scan,etc. Take them with you when you see a new Dr. They are yours, you are paying for them. Be you own advocate. God will guide you and keep you strong. Be postive and postive things will happen. Get some healing hands laid appond Bill. We have been praying all day for you and your family. What a great weekend you will have with your family. You are Blessed to have a wonderful family.

    We Love You guys,
    Tim & Sandy
    Positive thoughts from Florida


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