Wednesday, March 24, 2010

1 pm: A Small New Episode List

I'm sure this is getting boring and/or quite tedious to read! But I don't know how much or how little to include, so I'll list it all, but being brief, and knowing that you can skip it if you want:

He is bleeding a lot from his side where his abdominal drain is--by a lot, I mean, soaking through his sheets and gown and bed every hour, dripping on the floor, even poured onto the nurse's shoes at one point. They're paging the doctor for that.

His incision has suddenly gotten red and swollen. Paging doctor for that.

He has got some kind of measle-looking rash all over his back and head. Paging doctor for that.

His potassium drip malfunctioned, and most of the potassium was going on the floor instead of into his arm. That's fixed.

The good news is that he is allowed to sip water today.

Ah, the beauty of small blessings!

Will post again when there is news. Love!

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