Sunday, April 4, 2010

We've Got Daffodils!

Bill emailed me to advise that bouquets of daffodils began arriving--with just a little help from laxatives--at 11:50 a.m. today and have continued! Here is a picture of almost-Bill and almost-his-nurse REJOICING at the floral effusions!

They are talking about a release tomorrow if he does well with a dish of pasta tonight.

This is joy unspeakable and full of glory!

I have never loved daffodils so much.

Or my copiously green-thumbed Cowboy!

WOO HOO! Great joy! What an Easter!

I'll let you know the minute I hear the good word: released!

Thank you for continuing to read along. You bless us so very much.

Think: Daffodils, daffodils, daffodils!

Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Beth, So glad you are home and can rest, catch up. The Lord is Risen Indeed, and we continue to pray for Bill!
    I will never be able to look out at my garden again without thinking of wordsworth's poem, you know what. I love you, Margaret


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