Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blogging Stand-off at the Okay Corral

Cowboy Bill said--SAID--(I should've gotten a sworn statement)--that he might want to participate in some more blog writing, because so many people have requested a re-appearance of his Learned Hand and great humor on the blog.

So to make those many folks happy, and to make it easiest for the Cowboy, I suggested that he start with something simple--just writing a blog or two. Just something short, when he feels like it. Any topic. I'd do all the posting, etc.

But when the time came for him to write something--to type or get off the keyboard, as it were--was any typing actually done by said cowboy?


So idea number two was that I offered to set him up with gchat, which I did, in which two people can dialog with each other (making it twice as easy) and then post the dialog on the blog.

So I set it all up, and showed him how to use it, practiced with him, et cetera.

But no gchatting ensued.

Instead, he simply started avoiding gchat.

And any discussion of gchat.

"Why won't you just write a tiny little bit? It can be about anything at all."

"Nothing to say. No news."

[Insert: sound of exasperation from cowboy's wife.]

Finally, I thought I'd give it one more try. So this morning, I leaned on him so persuasively that he actually got on gchat!

Hooray, thought I. Fool that I am.

I wrote to him, "Okay, good, you're here! Now, let's write some news and I will post it; all you have to do is write just a little itty bit. Okay? Go!"

Gchat silence.

"Hello? Are you there?" I began, optimistically.

Yes, he was there, but there was no typing going on.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you typing?" I wrote.

What did the Cowboy reply?

The Cowboy replied that in his opinion, there shouldn't be any more posts on the blog for a long, long time.

"What? Why do you say that?"

Cowboy: "Because I can't think of anything to say."

Wow, Cowboy Bill! Thanks for that illustrious input! I thought.

Then, because I'm a brat, I had to say something just the slightest bit snotty.

"Pays to be lazy, doesn't it?"

Ewww. Mean!!!!

Anyway, that's how Cowboy Bill's encore appearance on the blog ended, right before I turned off my gchat. For good, apparently.

So for those of you awaiting his reappearance on the blog...good luck. Can't blame me for not trying.

Meanwhile, if you get any ideas for putting on an in-home motivational seminar for fractiously recalcitrant cowboys who like doing crossword puzzles a lot more than they like appeasing the humble requests of their dear and faithful readers, please advise.

((((Pays to be fractiously recalcitrant, too, by the way...))))

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