Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Radioactive Cowboy: Shooting 30 Under Par, Most of the Time

Remember those Chinese actors who were hired by North Korea's Kim Jong Il to pretend to be soccer fans while North Korea played at the World Cup? Here is a picture of them.

What you can't see in this photo is that they also had a "conductor." They would sit expressionless and immobile until their conductor gave them signals, and then they would smile and cheer.

But what me 'n the cowboy like most about Kim Jong Il, among other things, is that he reports to his citizens--and they BELIEVE IT--that EVERY TIME he golfs, he makes either three or four hole-in-ones AND that EVERY game he shoots, he scores at least 30 under par. No. This is REALLY what he says.

So me 'n the cowboy figgered, hey, why not? The cowboy bein' radioactive and all, might as well get some mileage out of it.

So me 'n him would like to report that ever since those shots he got at Wake Forest, he's been getting at least 3 or 4 hole-in-one's for every game, AND shooting 30 under par.

Anybody wanna sign up for our new country?

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