Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday Update One Day Late (Again)

Ooops! I forgot to post on Sunday! I'm so sorry!

But there's nuthin to say! Everything is fine. It's ferociously hot here, even in these high mountains. My son JP is here for a week or so. Bill feels great, sleeps great, his "machinery" aka post-surgical gear works SOMEWHAT well, allowing him a LITTLE bit more socialization time, but there are still surprises that wreck everything in an instant (it's something you just have to slowly get the hang of), and in other news, I still talk ten times more than Bill does, and he wishes I'd hush, and I wish he'd yap. Same old story...


We really aren't up to full socialization yet.

We thought we were.

But we aren't.

Because of the equipment not being reliable.

So if we aren't as visiting-friendly as we oughtta be, it's that, and takes a while.

So our current rule is this: we aren't really having anyone in (except the children), and we don't go out except for brief errands (Bill goes out a tiny bit more than I do).

But we want you to know: It reflecteth NOT upon our luvs for thee!
Or, do I mean, reflecteth not our luvs for thee, or is not reflectethed IN our luvs for thee? Shoot.

Next post, Sunday, August 1st!

Giddalong lil cowpokes...

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