Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bill's New (and I must say) Brilliant Form of Amusement

I don't know why he took the notion to do this...

Perhaps, in the lazy, restful days of having gotten a "no-cancer" diagnosis, post op, our cowboy has gotten bored with the anxiety-free life. Perhaps those corticosteroids your body squirts out when it meets danger can be addictive. (I totally made up that word corticosteroids.)


He has decided to rent an entire summer's worth of scary movies.

And he has figured out that the best IMAGINABLE way to find good scary movies to rent would be to simply google the phrase, "Hey, what's going on? My cellphone just lost all signal!"

On the theory that literally EVERY scary movie has a line like that in it.

So it led him to this Youtube called "No Signal (and Other Cellular Drama)," which has clips from all the scary movies, which clips show the dialog moment in which the hero loses cellphone signal--which occurs, always, just before doomsday.

Here are some of the lines from the movies:

"We must be in a sunspot or sumthin! There's no signal here!" Jeepers Creepers 2

"Oh, perfect! No signal!" Vacancy

"Wow, I'm fully charged, but there's no signal out here!" Detour

"Any signal?" "...Nope." Fritt Vilt

"Is ANYONE getting a signal out here?" Friday the 13th

"Any signal?" "No, no signal! Ninety-seven percent nationwide coverage and we find ourselves in that three percent!" The Hills Have Eyes

So what Our Cowboy does is write down the names of these movies and order them from Netflix.

It's genius.

And I'd say more about it. But it's kinda hard to type any more of this message to you from under the sofa, where I'm living until all these movies have been mailed back to Netflix.

Catch ya when he comes down with his next Big Idea...

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