Monday, October 25, 2010


Monday afternoon update by phone, just minutes ago.

The hospital called. They've scheduled Bill for a biopsy on Nov. 10th in the early morning. This is GOOD in that they must have decided that the spots are in a place where they can be biopsied, and presumably, then, also radio ablated or surgically removed. (Did you know your liver grows back 100% in 1 to 6 months, even if you take out half of it? How cool is that! Liver Love!)

We were panicked that the spots were in a location that couldn't be accessed and would then be considered "inoperable", the word you never want to hear--and all he would have left would be chemo.

BUT this new chemo--developed by our very own Dr Torti, and now a famous treatment, has CURED liver cancer! As in, it went away and NEVER CAME BACK! This was beyond our wildest hopes, but now we're hoping! HOPE RULES.

Bad part: The biopsy results take at least ten days.

AND, if she cant schedule an MRI and a meeting with Dr. Shen (sp?) the allegedly "world famous liver surgeon", then the whole thing gets moved back to December before we know anything.

*BANG BANG BANG* (Sound of Beth banging her head on keyboard) HOW can they let LIVER SPOTS that popped up in just 90 days--continue to develop their real estate holdings for 30 more days? It just makes no SENSE to me!

[INSERT UPDATE THAT CAME IN BY PHONE AS I WAS TYPING THIS: NOW HE HAS AN MRI SCHEDULED FOR THIS COMING FRIDAY AT 8:15 PM--AT NIGHT! So we will have THAT done. Tomorrow they call AGAIN and tell us when Dr. Shen will want to see us--after the MRI or after the biopsy--they weren't sure.)

I tried, in several creative ways, none of which seemed to strike the funny bone of the somber Assistant on the phone, to get her to HINT to me whether she thought these were possibly NOT cancer, but were merely little scars, little dings, little boo boos from chemo, little flea bites, little pieces of dog kibble that he might have accidentally swallowed--something OTHER than cancer. I tried SO hard.

I even said, "I KNOW you can't say it is or isn't cancer, but let's just do this: I'll say something and you say NOTHING if I'm wrong....Okay, so he has this super bad bladder cancer and suddenly spots pop up on his liver...looks like BIG RISK OF CANCER TO ME, but I'm probably wrong, so you can just say nothing."

She didn't apparently think that was amusing. Nor was she willing to play along.

She said, reeeeeeeally dryly: "All I can say is that the spots are small. They are small. That's the best I can say."

Me: "OOOOOOOOOkey dokey, well you can't blame me for givin' it a shot, I hope. It's kinda hard sleeping at night with a really sharp Paul Bunyan sized AXE hanging over our heads, but thanks for at least reminding me that they spots are small, whatever they may be."

"You're welcome. Goodbye, Mrs. Drennan."

Ohhhhhhhh boy.

So more tomorrow.

Love to all of you...

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