Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday: Just a Bunch of Tired

Our Wild Willy is still doing GREAT in the having-no-nausea department, but he is starting to feel shockingly fatigued.

See, the chemo stops all rapidly-dividing cells from dividing. That means it stops tumors, but it also stops bone marrow, whose job is to replace blood cells that die every day. So since Friday, his blood cells have been dying off normally, but not being replaced by his now-sort-of-paralyzed bone marrow.

He said he feels so tired that he wonders where he gets the energy just to breathe. I mean REALLY REALLY tired.

We still haven't found the five million lost keys, and for a while today, we even lost the phone!

I started getting the blues a little today, so I just went out alone and did errands, which he usually does with me, so it was kinda sad. I missed having him with me.

But to have gotten this far without nausea--that is something I am ridiculously grateful for.

Will write again tomorrow. Next treatment is Thursday.

By the way, how many of you can brag that you have RADIOACTIVE beverages in your refrigerators?

What? None of you?

(ahem) Well, WE do! Two bottles of barium that our cowpoke has to drink on Thursday to get a baseline CT scan.

I'm keeping all the other food away from it, so we don't end up with radioactive oranges, radioactive half and half, or radioactive broccoli. (Yes, Radioactive Broccoli WOULD make a great name for a band, but it isn't the ideal side dish.)

I'll let you know if our refrigerator starts emitting an eerie green glow in the wee hours of the night...maybe we'll walk out and find the missing keys floating mysteriously across the kitchen air space.

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