Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Night: Got the Bone Buster Shot Today

This afternoon, Bill got the shot (Neulasta) that makes the bones feel like they are molotov cocktails on fire.

That pain should strike about midnight tonight and, if it goes like last time, could, in a worst case scenario, provide him with excruciating pain through most of tomorrow. GOD FORBID.

This time, however, there are two differences from last time: one good, one bad.

The good difference is that he has special pain meds already on hand, just for this particularly severe pain, as this bone marrow pain is the most unendurable of all the pain he has to experience.

The bad difference is that this shot's effects will (warned the nurse)last much longer than the shots he got last time, so it may be a bad entire weekend. But we hope and pray that he gets through it with minimal trouble.

I was going to go to a conference tomorrow, 40 minutes out of town, but if things go in a bad direction for my cowboy, I will certainly cancel and stay with him. The conference happens three times a year, so I'll get other chances to go.

I'll be sure to write tomorrow, so that, if you're interested, you can see what happens from the shot.

Thank you for cheering him on from the sidelines. We both feel your love and prayers. Seems weird, but I mean it. Like, scientifically.

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