Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bill's Better

Bill made it through his teaching until 6 pm yesterday, which was nothing short of heroic. He said his students were wonderful, helping distribute handouts, and even running a projector for him so he didn't have to get out of his chair. When they saw his color, they were probably scared to say no to any request he had!

When I picked him up at his office, he just sort of collapsed into the car, and I got him home, and he was asleep almost immediately.

This morning, Tuesday, he is still remaining in a reclined position all day (on the living room sofa right now--an improvement from being constantly in bed), but is doing okay.

His latest new trouble is that he seems to have pulled his back when he moved his foot yesterday, and now the back pain is worse than the chemo symptoms. Plus he is having more trouble with nausea.

Other than that, we're just doing our Tuesday the best we can.

Thank you for caring and praying and sending him good thoughts!

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