Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pretty Much Nothing to Post!

The ole cowboy is telling me to just say that everything is fine.

Everything is fine.

There. Can't say I'm not a good wife!

Okay, here's the real scoop: No, just kidding. See, the problem with the blog has become this: Billy and I see his status in almost diametrically opposed ways. I see every little thing as a potential danger to him, and I want a doctor to look at every little thing in great detail. But HE ignores absolutely everything. So when I post about things I see going on, that seem scary to ME, he says I'm overblowing it, and that I should chill.


Me. Chill.

Like that's EVER going to happen.

So, now that you know I can't post all the stuff I think is....word choice....."worthy of medical looking-into" can make what you want of my summary statement: All is well!

(I just asked him if he would mind if I noted that his scan is now one month late. He said that was okay to say. So I will add, without asking permission--forgiveness being easier to get hahahahaha!---that I OFFERED TO CALL AND SET UP THE SCAN AND HE SAID NO!)

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZIPPPPP! That's the sound of me b-e-i-n-g q-u-i-e-t which is not one of my gifts!

He has agreed to help out Appalachian State in an emergency this semester, teaching a course he hasn't taught since Univ. of Wisconsin, so he is frantically doing his prep this weekend. I'm running around as his squire, helping him find lost files, and create italics on his syllabus, and bringing him sandwiches and iced sweet tea, and making him home-made spaghetti, and reminding him that he's always nervous before a semester, and it will all be okay. He feels better, then, and thereafter, he says a lot of sweet things about me (told me today that I'm the best thing that ever happened to him? Whoa! I said, "Could you repeat that? About four times? I like the sound of that!") Hahaha, so I have HIM fooled as you can see. haha

Well, there you have it. A whole post that tells you really NOTHING AT ALL!

He is, though, seriously, feeling stabilized, so don't worry. A little trouble with nausea, and other things, and some other stuff, and a couple things besides that. That is all I can say!

Thank you for caring and stopping by and helping me love the brave boy through this big time in his life!

Love you,

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