Tuesday, March 27, 2012

No News. (I Forgot How Much Fun Waiting By A Phone Is.)

We have heard nothing at all from Wake Forest. (I could insert here the photo of Janet Leigh shower-screaming in the movie Psycho if only that photo also showed a phone beside her that was not ringing)(just kidding. it's not THAT bad.)

But I've decided to post every day for while, even if it's just to say nothing has happened. This way, you will know that nothing happened that is SO HORRIBLE that I can't even post it on the blog! (We've never gotten to that point, and with my garrulousness, you know we never will.)

Interruption for true story.

I just now said to Bill, who is in the other room: "Bill?"

Bill: "Yes?"

Me: "I'm making sure of the definition of 'garrulous.' Is a garrulous woman a woman who never shuts up talking?"

I could hear Bill put his newspaper down. "Yep." Pause. "Sure is." Pause "Yep, that sure is the definition of 'garrulous woman' is a woman who won't stop talking and asking people around her questions, and definitions of words, and then talking some more about the words; that would be your basic garrulous woman."

Well! My GOODNESS! Yes, I got the message. But for Pete's sake! Can a person not ask a definition around here and make a few followup comments without being called garrulous?

True story continues. Just THIS VERY SECOND, Bill said from the other room, "I took my pills, just so you know."


Bill: "I'm being loquacious."

Me: "And what is the difference between loquacious and garrulous?"

Bill: (Total silence)

Me: "AH-HA! BUSTED! There *IS* no difference between the two words, and you don't want to admit it!"

Bill (very softly): "No. Rather, I am, by my silence, demonstrating the meaning of being QUIET so that other people can read their newspapers. I was MODELING 'quiet' to give you an idea of what it is."

I said, "Well, that's real nice, while I'm sitting here writing your blog. Know what? I'm telling! I'm telling your blog readers that you are being mean to me while I'm blogging about you!"

No response.

And in the silence that is presently filling to capacity the room he's in, I can hear him happily turning his newspaper pages and mumbling complaints to himself about March Madness and the Republican party. Mumbling under his loquaciously garrulous breath.

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