Sunday, April 29, 2012

Little Sunday Update

I'm updating today NOT because there is any news, but because I set up that deal that I would always post on Sundays, even when there was no news.

Naturally, I failed to post on Sundays after that, but here I am, still trying!

In short, Bill feels a little bit better, for the first time in a year. He has figured out that he has to take all his meds the second he opens his eyes, followed by Pepto Bismol, and then he has a chance of minimalizing his nausea and other problems. He feels very happy about the nausea lessening over the last few days.

Kind of like how the people in Japan were enjoying the nice little waves on the beach right before the tsunami.

In the next week or two. They don't think he should wait, because that lymph node is cut open and spreading the luv all through Bill's body.

Bill finishes his semester next week. He's actually done, but only has to pick up papers, so the timing is divinely ordained (atheist friends will of course take "divinely ordained" as a metaphor).

Monday, we will call the Onco Bronco, Madame Dr. S, who last year pegged me as a completely obnoxious cancer patient's wife, because I talk too fast, and she gets really upset with me for that and constantly tells me to CALM DOWN. Remember that? She was really snippy to me last year!

Well, she will get her way, because I'm not going in to the exam room any more. I told Bill that, and Bill was fine with that, as he didn't want any Beth versus Bronco cat fights breaking out at the chemo center.

I still think it's funny that after she insulted me by telling me to BE QUIET! (Gosh! I was JUST putting in my two cents!) I took out a waiting room book called BIBLE STORIES FOR CHILDREN and held it open in front of my face like I was reading it and never made another sound or ever spoke to her again.

I'll post as soon as we know the schedule.

Bill is, at this point, saying he is willing to try ONE ROUND. And if all hell breaks loose, he may not be willing to continue. So we will just have to see what happens.

Thanks for checking on the cowboy, and for your prayers and love and good wishes (and this next part is only for other religions or non-religions) your essential oil sacrifices,  sage smudge burnings, your logic, your intuition, your vibes, your vortex whirlings, your rose petals sent down rivers, and for that one chicken you sacrificed (that's to my haitian voodoo friend).

Love you all. Bethie

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