Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Night Summary Till Pathology Report Comes Out

Probably by now, with all the Facebook partial updates, and the blog partial updates, you know everything there is to know about the biopsy and the big needle and the big pain and the three chunks of tumor they got out, and the way the surgeon wouldn't budge giving me a hint if it was truly cancer or not, claiming he couldn't POSSIBLY know till the pathology report is out, around Monday.

For today, Cowboy Bill was in rather great pain, even though he took his pain medicine. But gradually, the pain went down. It hurt the most over the spot where they chopped out the little hors d'oeuvre pieces of lymph node.

I talked to a Dr. today (a psychiatrist) who explained that the reason it was called an aortocaval lymphadenopathy was NOT because it's between two aortas, since there are not two aortas, but it is between the aorta and the venacaval vein, the two huge branches coming off the heart. My spelling of these terms is a shot in the dark, so 'pologies for crazy spelling.

We are operating (freudian word choice, I guess) with a kind of certainty that it is cancerous, based on all the hints everyone gave us at the hospital, but no one has said 100% for sure it is cancer, so those of you with abnormal capacities for hope, keep on a-hopin for the miracle.

Because if he is cancer-free right now, that makes a full year and a half of remission which was considered utterly impossible by even the best experts.

Hey, what's another little miracle, when you already have THAT one going on?

The SECOND we get the results by phone, I will post on both Facebook and on here, and to some folks by email, who have no way to check Facebook or blogs.

Those of you who have written even the smallest number of words to us, you might think, oh, they probably get so many words that mine won't make a difference. May you never learn this from experience, but here's the thing when you're in a jam like this: every SINGLE WORD of EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE from EVERY SINGLE PERSON strikes us HUGELY, as if it were the only message in the world, and we feel your care and your love INTENSELY. It's the darndest thing.

Love, love, and more love back to you.
The Cowboy and his girl

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