Saturday, May 12, 2012

Troubles, but Not Compared to Other People's

This is Sunday's post, out a little early.

Just a few points to this one.

1. We found out the appointment at Seby Jones Cancer Center in Boone on Monday the 21st is NOT for chemo. It's just a meeting with the Onco Bronco.
Fifteen minutes and $90 charged to the taxpayers. Ridiculous.

2. Bill is getting gradually worse, and it's upsetting us both. Every day, he is a little worse than the day before, and chemo hasn't even started. He doesn't have his ECHO heart test till next week. But here are his deteriorations:

  • He is nauseous not only till noon, but now every evening and sometimes can't even eat.
  • He has sudden attacks of.....having to run to a ALL hours of the day now and part of evenings and early morning. Formerly, that was just mid-morning.
  • He is sleeping more and more every day, sometimes multiple long naps in a day, PLUS sleeping all night.
  • His spine hurts, his whole spine, in a way that he says it has never hurt before.
  • His hip and knee hurt.
  • He has JUST enough power to get his grading done each day, and is thankfully getting closer to being finished with that.
  • There's probably more, but I can't think of it. He's using every medicine he has, but it isn't helping.
We are both getting so discouraged and more scared. I try to keep my mood up, but it's hard, and I am having trouble not being depressed, even after talking to friends on Facebook, which usually is my save-all plan. Bill is not at ALL emotional like I am, but he is getting discouraged, and even depressed, which he has never been in his whole life.

The thing is, we have two friends who are going through something so infinitely worse than this, that it is almost rude to list our problems. They are living through a drama that would make Chuck Norris lie down and weep. So in light of that, we have no right to complain.

But it's a kinda blue day here, so I thought I'd just tell the truth.

There's nothing anyone can do, and if you email, you might not get a reply, but it doesn't mean we didn't both LOVE your email. We're just in such a funk over here.

Thank you for caring, loving us, praying and wishing us well. But there are people in MUCH worse situations. So if you have limited prayer time, pray for those people in worse situations. We're not even in the crisis zone yet.

Hugs and gratitude,
A wilted diamond Lil

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