Here is a nice picture of the three of us--Cowboy Bill, Cowgirl Bethie, and Cowgirlette Sarah--starting our journey toward Duke Hospital.
Even though we don't leave until tomorrow morning, we're already on our horses. For some reason.
Bill goes into the hospital on Thursday, and has his surgery on Friday, the 19th.
My daughter Sarah and my brother David will sit with me during the long surgery--which has possibly lengthened to being ten hours long instead of just eight.
We'll be anguishing together during those long hours, but Bill has decided he will just sleep through the whole thing.
That's our cowboy for ya!
Seriously, though, I've been in such angst over the past weeks that I didn't feel like even posting here.
But during the white-water phase of our adventure, to badly mix all my metaphors, I hope to post very often. If the hospital has Wifi, I will post throughout the day and give you all the info the surgeon gives me, and let you know how Bill looks sleeping in intensive care with tubes going every which way.
To everyone who has called or written and not heard back from us yet, we apologize so sincerely. And please know that it's because we're in a difficult frame of mind, but also know that your love was received and we send it back with glitter and stars and puppies and prayers.
Thank you.
We love you.
Giddyup, ponies!
God keep us all.
Hey, Beth and Bill--I have been thinking of Bill for a couple weeks, partly the mortal danger, and partly some songwriting stuff. Yeah, I know. No disrespect intended, and I hope it'll make more sense when you / he sees what I was doing. Boudleaux and Felice Bryant wrote for everybody who was any good in the rockabilly era--great songsmiths.
ReplyDeleteBoudleaux had a great way of taking conversational cliches, and building up a story line under them, so they were a real arrow to the heart when they occurred in the lyrics. Here are links to a couple examples, "How's the World Treating You," and "Change of Heart." OK, they're sad songs, but they're not medical. So maybe they'll qualify as distractions. Bill said he was up for distractions. Love to you both...