Wild Bill Drennan was SO tired today; all he could do was sleep, when he wasn't getting shots, xrays, sheet changes, and dragged around in wheelchairs.
Oh, count your blessings that you didn't see him today.
Not only yellow, but so exhausted that, honestly, he looked like one of those children they show on TV when they want you to call the 800 number and start sending monthly checks.
And the saddest expression I have ever seen on his face.
The game of hide-the-facts-from-the-patient-and-spouse continues, and is getting a little irksome. Good thing my espionage skills are on tap.
But the doctors seem to be worried about Something, but won't tell us what.
They started him on continuous intravenous antibiotics today, as his pinkness continued to increase in size in his abdomen, and the pain got worse.
He is on continuous potassium IV drip.
His red blood cells won't return to normal, but they're a little better than yesterday before the transfusion.
His blood pressure went way up. His heart rate went up, too, for a while.
They suddenly announced that they needed to take him down for a ton of xrays of his chest and abdomen. Can you imagine NOT telling us WHY they are doing that? Don't we have a right to know whatever we WANT to know about his health? Grrrrr, a little bit.
Then when he returned from the x-rays, he said he felt like he was losing consciousness, and they had to rush him into the bed, where he fell deeply asleep for hours.
Even the doctor who usually yells at him about walking came in and looked at him and said, "Stay in bed."
I even had to leave his room early because he was so exhausted.
Although on a happy-ish note, he did say he thought he could do some walking later tonight if he could rest enough, first. He'll tell me tomorrow if he was able.
Tomorrow better be better!
Thanks for caring about him, and for any prayers you can launch upward.
Go, our Cowboy!
Love to all.
Beth please give Bill our love and know that we are praying all the time. thank you so much for the updates. Praying you will soon be home. Happy Annunciation to you too! Love, Margaret and Van