Monday, March 29, 2010

So Far, Still Looks Rosy!

By the end of today, Bill's spirits were great. He was joking with the nurses, and despite several dramatic episodes of various types, still, overall, there are no dangerous medical situations pending.

He is able to try sipping water tonight, and if that goes well, he can try soft foods.

He continues to wake up internally, and the trajectory is completely positive.

I still have my own concerns about his incision situation, and Bill shares them after I read him the info I found online, but, come on, the medical people at Duke MUST know more than Bill and I know about why his incision is doing such strange things. Right?

Two cowpokes with a google education couldn't possibly be right while all the doctors in training that stop in for 2.5 minutes a day are....unconcerned. RIGHT?

No, honestly: nothing to worry about. Let's all just be happy that the corner has definitely been turned! (Yes, I know, all ye English profs reading this: passive construction. Bad Beth!)

Love and thanks to you for sticking with it this long!

God is love.

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