Psycho Kitten Freezes Seeing Bill's Sutures, Is Arrested
Well the assassin kitty turned around just as Bill was getting his incision inspected. The sight of the tubes, the incision, the drains, and the bruises paralyzed the insane kitten long enough for authorities to catch it and remove it from Bill's hospital room.
Let's hope THAT never happens again!
Meanwhile (all kitten aside)(oh, Beth, you know the rule about puns, and you just broke it!), Dr. His Extreme Wonderfulness Walther came to Bill's room just before I left tonight. He was in a friendly mood, smiling, and talkative.
Anyway, he has resolved Bill's issues for the night, thank GOD.
There is medicine for Bill's back. No one thinks it is a superbug, like I suspected at first (although I courageously didn't mention that to anyone.)
They are keeping an eye on the large pink circle that has formed around Bill's staples, but it doesn't seem truly infected yet.
They fixed the bleeding from his side.
His one bag of blood didn't change his color at all: he still looks like a lemon-scented candle, but they will test his blood, and if he needs more transfusions, he will get them tomorrow.
He tolerated his water sips today, so tomorrow he gets to try soft foods! He is delirious with joy!
He actually WALKED today, even though they didn't think he could. He made TWO laps around the ward! Then he was exhausted and went to bed and refused to move to his chair, but, hey, he earned his rest!
The remaining dramas now, assuming nothing new sprouts up tomorrow, are: (1) Will his bowels "wake up"--that's what they call it--and until they do, he can't go home; and (2) What will the pathology report say after pathologists dissect all his removed organs, including a ton of lymph nodes? If they find ANY microscopic cancer cells, well....we will no longer be in Kansas, Dorothy.
If they don't find any, you think there was celebrating after the surgery? You ain't seen nuthin yet!
Till tomorrow.
PS Watch out for innocent-looking kitties. They can be packin' heat!
PSS: To our Orthodox and Catholic friends: A Blessed Feast of the Assumption![Edit: Oh, man. I meant Annunciation. Really jumped ahead on the calendar there! Whoops! To our non-Orthodox, non-Catholic, non-Anglican friends: the Annunciation is March 25th, exactly 9 months before the day of Christmas on Dec. 25th--celebrated as the day of Jesus' conception. Nothing yawl wouldn't agree with, right? Love and kisses!]
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