Okay. So that's NOT actually Bill in the photo. But try googling cowboys and daffodils and you won't find squat. So that was the closest I could get to a cowboy picking a daffodil.
ALSO...before you think this post is going to be a gooey, sweet Hallmark card about springtime and daffodils...that's not going to happen, either.
In fact, after you read this post, you may never pick another daffodil in your life.
Here's the deal.
Emma is with Bill at Duke, and she is faithfully sending reports that I can post on the blog for you. Below, you will see her first two posts.
However...because Cowboy Billy's problem has to do with an intestinal blockage, there is the delicate problem of how to express his progress in....what would indelicately be referred to as "going potty."
So I have come up with a euphemism for that. I tried to pick a nice, clean, pretty euphemism, seasonally appropriate. And what I've come up with to express the thing that Bill needs to do, and which laxatives help with (you know what I'm saying, right?) is that Bill needs to "pick a daffodil."
So in Emma's reports, where the wording requires it, I have inserted brackets with the phrase [pick a daffodil].
Here are her first two reports:
Friday night
Beth, you just take as much time as you need. you still have months of
this, i would like to do as much as i can while here. play with the
pups, take naps, eat green foods.
we had a nice day today. he slept most of the morning and then woke
up with some serious energy. took a couple laps, shaved, changed his
clothes, almost [picked a daffodil] (but didn't). then we played gin rummy and
listened to bluegrass for hours. he is sleepy from all the action so
now he is watching a basketball game and napping off and on. he
thinks maybe after another stroll tonight he might possibly [pick a daffodil].
fingers crossed! if he does, and if the x-rays tomorrow look good,
he could potentially be sent home tomorrow. my guess would be monday,
i'll let you guys know if anything happens.
love to all!
======Saturday night==============
everything went really well today. getting closer and closer to [picking a daffodil]
he thought he had to [pick a daffodil] a few times and his stomach is all rumbly and
he is passing gas regularly - all good things. we convinced the
intern dr to put him on something, in hopes of letting
his bowels stay active.
so, they gave him something different
tonight. the doc said she was waiting for his kidneys to be tip-top
before giving him a different kind of med and they are in great
a wonderful nurse took over duty tonight and was taking SUPER
good care of him. changed his bandages in record time and gave him
numbing pads for his tummy. when i left he was happily watching a
duke game and nodding off. they said his x-rays today looked pretty
similar to yesterdays but maybe the ones tomorrow would show enough
improvement to start talking about leaving.
he is getting fairly stir crazy and i think another day is more than
he can handle but OH WELL! we will play more cards and stay as
distracted as possible. maybe there will even be an easter mass in
the chapel?
hope you are doing well and not overwhelmed.
talk to you soon!
Why are these people smiling?