Friday, April 2, 2010

Back to Duke We Go

I'm calmer, rested this morning.

Thought I'd leave that last post in its unedited form so that, in case you ever started thinking I was cool-headed in a crisis, that post alone can set you straight.

I called Duke early this am. Bill is in the Er, where he was taken by ambulance at 3 am from Boone. His blockage is not improving at all. They are admitting him and he will be there through the night just for starters, and that's all the nurse told me, except she said not to drive like a maniac, because he's okay with them, not in like critical condition, etc (my interpretation of her calming words.)

So I'm leaving in about a half hour and will check into a different hotel that has a working elevator. (In my all-night insomnia, I counted out that I had done 900 stairs yesterday with my luggage due to the broken elevator and the absent assistant they promised me. It was 50 stairs down to the lobby, and I had 9 pieces (mine and Bill's both) and had to go up and down 50 stairs (100 actual step actions) for each piece of luggage. My kneecaps are missing and my calf muscles are speaking French.)

Wow, see that digression? I guess Im still fried.

So Emma will meet me at the hospital tonight, and we don't know anything else.

I will have laptop and found the plug, and found phone plug, so will be equipped.


Thank you all so much.


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